Explaining Streams to Rich Harris

Before we begin, I’m intentionally avoiding loaded words found in stream libraries. If you’re familiar with another library already, try and spot where the concepts align.

Hi Rich! 👋

1. Start with an addEventListener

document.addEventListener("click", event => {

Believe it or not, we’re almost done…

2. Extract the callback

const callback = event => {
document.addEventListener("click", callback)

Getting closer…

3. Wrap the Setup in a Function (so you can start it later)

const setup = cb => {
document.addEventListener("click", cb)
const callback = event => {
setup(callback) //now you gotta call `setup` for anything to run

I can smell the finish line…

4. Wrap the Callback to Change Behavior

const setup = cb => {
document.addEventListener("click", cb)
const callback = event => {
//A sweet util for overriding the callback behavior
const pluckX = originalCallback => {
const newCallback = event => {
return newCallback

We’ve made it! 🏆

I Thought This Was Supposed to Be Hard…

Rich, new patterns often drive people away because they’re so comfy with their old patterns. But once a pattern becomes familiar, brains will start to see them everywhere! /insert “Everything is a Stream” zen dog pic 😂

That being said, let’s dive into the patterns:

1. Sources Need an API

Consider how different Web APIs are when working with our async tools:

  • addEventListener returns undefined
  • setInterval returns an id
  • Promises return a promise instance

I mean, c’mon, who designed these APIs? Let’s do something about it! We’ll start by wrapping an API around addEventListener. We’ll call these object with APIs a “source”. So far, the only method on our API is setup:

const fromEvent = (eventType, target) => {
return {
setup: cb => {
target.addEventListener(eventType, cb)

Now we can use our source like so:

const clickStream = fromEvent("click", document)
clickStream.setup(event => console.log(event))

2. A Consistent API!

Let’s create a timer that will follow that same pattern. Wrap setInterval with an object that has a setup method:

const timer = delay => {
return {
setup: cb => {
let i = 0
setInterval(()=>{cb(i++)}, delay)
const timerStream = timer(1000)
timerStream.setup(i => console.log(i))

You can follow this pattern for any other source of events, data, etc.

3. Our API Has a Nesting Problem

Nested callbacks have a long, tormented history in JS. So let’s see how streams approach the problem. We’ll revisit our clickStream and timerStream, but wait to start the timer until we click. Here’s how we’re currently stuck doing it:

const clickStream = fromEvent("click", document)
const timerStream = timer(1000)
//Our redirect behavior
clickStream.setup(event => {
timerStream.setup(i => console.log(i))

This works fine, but its nested callbacks are showing 🙈. Let’s make this more streamy.

4. Changing Source Behavior with Wrappers

Here’s a little wrapper “template” that shows how we’ll approach our problem:

const streamWrapper = source => {
//return an object with a `setup` method to match the shape of our source
return {
setup: callback => {
//define custom behavior here using the `source` API and `callback`

These functions are often called decorators/higher order functions/etc. The key piece is that we can redefine how our source interacts with the callback. To demonstrate, let’s write a wrapper that invokes the callback twice:

const streamWrapper = source => {
return {
setup: callback => {
source.setup(value => {
const clickStream = fromEvent("click", document)
streamWrapper(clickStream).setup(event => console.log(event))

5. But We Have Two Sources!

Yeah, I know. Chill, Rich. It’s common to return a function to accept another source:

const wrapper = source => otherSource => {
return {
setup: callback => {
//define custom behavior, but now with multiple source options!!!

Our “click then start timer” behavior looks like this:

//Hey, look! It's our good friend "Nested Callback"
setup: callback => {
//Ignore the `value` (a MouseEvent) for now. We could use it if needed
source.setup(value => {

So we can bring it all together in a wrapper that we’ll aptly name redirect:

const redirect = source => otherSource => {
return {
setup: callback => {
source.setup(value => {
redirect(clickStream)(timerStream).setup(i => console.log(i))

6. A Fluent API

To some functional programmers, the previous example looks totally normal, but many other JS devs prefer a fluent API. So let’s support them (this is totally optional, but common). We’ll need to add a way for sources to pass themselves into our source wrapper functions. This common JS trick looks is implemented in this thru method:

return {
setup: cb => {
target.addEventListener(eventType, cb)
thru(fn){ //not an arrow fn, we need `this`!
return fn(this) //`this` is the source

Now using thru will enable of our wrapper functions will automatically receive the source. Compare the examples and pick your favorite (it’s a personal preference, no wrong answer):

//old example
redirect(clickStream)(timerStream).setup(i => console.log(i))
//new example with `thru`
clickStream.thru(redirect(timerStream)).setup(i => console.log(i))

Note, thru receives the main source last, so we do have to swap the order in our redirect:

const redirect = source => otherSource =>
const redirect = otherSource => source =>

Sidenote: Many FP devs would argue I should have had the main source last in the first example (and I agree), but I thought it would have caused more confusion than necessary…

🏆 We now have a consistent API which enables async sources to interoperate. Yay consistency! Yay interoperability!

Hey, John! You Keep Wrapping Callbacks to Override Their Behavior…

Good catch, Rich! That’s exactly what we’re doing! In fact, the foundation of Streams is passing in a callback with your desired behavior, then overriding it with all the async stuff you need.

💡 Pass in a callback with your desired behavior, then wrap it and override with your async functionality

All Good Things…

Hey, John. Your API is sorely lacking a way to remove events and stop timers. You’re a big dummy!

Rich, that’s not very nice. I was just waiting for the right moment to bring it up.

Let’s add a consistent way of cleaning up our sources. The easiest way I can think of is to have our setup return a function to teardown:

1. Teardown Time

setup: callback => {
target.addEventListener(eventType, callback)
return () => { //returning a teardown function
target.removeEventListener(eventType, callback)

So now our api looks like the following:

const clickStream = fromEvent("click", document)
const teardown = clickStream.setup(event => console.log(event))
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teardown() //haha, no clicky for you, Rich! That's what you get for calling me names.

🏆 Yay for Consisent APIs to clean up after ourselves

2. The Callback Bundle. Done is Better Than Perfect.

If you’ve seen a generator in JS, you know they emit {value, done}. So far, we’re only emitted values. I can think of plenty of use cases where I want to know when timers, events, etc., stop.

It’s a super important feature, so let’s add it in by bundling a done callback with our main callback:

//BEHOLD! An object with named callbacks
const bundle = {
callback: event => console.log(event),
done: () => console.log("done")
//using our bundle
setup: bundle => {
target.addEventListener(eventType, bundle.callback)
return () => {
target.removeEventListener(eventType, bundle.callback)



John, I don’t see done being used anywhere!

Rich, you’re sharp as a tack!

We’re going to use done by wrapping our setup function. That way, we can always teardown whenever done is called:

export const setupWrapper = setup => bundle => {
const teardown = setup({ //grab a ref to teardown
done: () => {
if (teardown) teardown() //invoke teardown whenever `done` is called
if (bundle.done) bundle.done()
callback: bundle.callback //No custom behavior
return teardown

Now let’s see it in action:

setup: setupWrapper(bundle => {
target.addEventListener(eventType, bundle.callback)
return () => {
target.removeEventListener(eventType, bundle.callback)

John, wait a minute… You’re still not invoking done anywhere. You just changed the behavior!

Dang, I was hoping you wouldn’t notice. Fine, time for some sweet demo action. Remember how we made a behavior that invoked the callback twice? This time, we’ll replace the second call with a call to done which will stop our stream, notify us, and tear it down!

//We'll pass our source thru this bad boy
const once = source => {
return {
setup: setupWrapper(bundle => {
//implement our new behavior. Handle one click, then done.
const newBundle = {
callback: event => {
done: bundle.done
return source.setup(newBundle)
const clickStream = fromEvent("click", document).thru(once)
const bundle = {
callback: event => console.log(event),
done: () => console.log("done...")

With Our Patterns in Place, it’s DEMO TIME!

(If you skipped to this section, shame on you! This won’t make any sense!)

When you look at these util functions, you’ll realize why most libraries pull them out into packages so you don’t have to look at their internals 😆

Combining Two Sources

Click to Start Timer, Keypress to Stop

Synchronize Two Sources

While these demos are simple, the potential to combine, synchronize, start, stop (or all of the above!) through a consistent API with any variety of source is very appealing.

Sidenote: Things I Intentionally Left Out

  • I ignored “Subjects” because they’re too often abused for simple use cases. They combine the source and bundle APIs, allow control over multiple bundles, and enable you to mess with callbacks that are often best used as internals. That being said, they definitely have their place.

  • Error handling works on the same concept as done. Catch your error and propogate is through the chain of bundle calls.

  • Libraries always ship a create util for sources. I intentionally left this out to keep in the repitition for learning purposes.

  • Sources can also be objects, arrays, etc. (I included one in the Synchronize demo). They’re very simple and they don’t teardown. I didn’t mention them to avoid confusion.

  • Scheduling is an advanced topic where you can manipulate timing. Incredibly powerful feature, yet too edge-case to dive into.


  1. Build a consistent API around a chaotic JS async ecosystem
  2. Enable sources to interoperate
  3. Wrap callbacks to override their behavior with new async abilities
  4. Manages Nested Callbacks
  5. Automatically handles cleanup when things complete

Every piece of your Stream framework follows simple rules

  • Source - setup/teardown
  • Bundles - a basic object with named callbacks/dones
  • Wrappers - wrap sources and bundles with desired behavior
  • SetupWrappers - Enforce teardown when done is called

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